Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oh the places you'll go!

JUA is more than a field trip, according to Nicoya, "it's a learning experience to last a lifetime." Here's some of the places we'll be visiting...

MAPS: Massachusetts Allience for Portuguese Speakers

MIRA Coalition: Legal Service and Immigrant Refugee Advocacy Coalition

I am working on setting up an appointment with a lawyer as well as a few organizations.

We will also do a community survey with the questions of people at the Prudential Center:

1. Do you think illegal immigrants should have a path to citizenship (yes or no)
2. Do you think illegal immigrants should automatically be deported?
3. Should the US have more stringent quotas on the number of immigrants it allows each year and from what countries (yes or no).
4. If you are comfortable answering this: what race do you associate with and what is your age. We will also note if the subject is male or female.

1 comment:

Hans Mundahl said...

Great post!