The Cultural Awareness Grouop (and I) would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the organizations and all of the people we met while we were in Boston. We had an exciting trip, and we learned a lot about some of Boston's cultural areas.
We learned that:
* Many residents of Boston's cultural areas are struggling to find affordable housing
* Many communities and organizations are working hard to reach out to all races, ethnicities and ages to work on building cultural understanding and tolerance.
* Many local communities would like residents to continue to be involved with community affairs so that they can preserve the fabric of their communities without being pushed out of their homes by high land prices.
* To preserve Boston's cultural areas, local non-profits and other grass-roots organizations (as well as local family owned businesses) should be supported in any way possible.
* And...maybe most importantly...we learned that Boston is the city that it is today because it houses many different peoples and cultures. That is what makes Boston so interesting and attractive to people who may want to move to the area. However, Boston is also a very racially and ethnically divided city. If they can find a way to bridge these divisions and build tolerance through organizations such as those we visited, then Boston could become a "model city".
So...thank you again to everyone! We had fun!
JUA Cultural Awareness 2006 -- Mrs.H, Ryan F, Ryan J, Chloe G, Marc H and Liam A.
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