Who: Ana Keyla
Where: Jamaica Plain
When: Tuesday December 12
What: We took a tour of the Dominican areas in Jamica Plain.
Why: To learn about the the area's struggles and medical issues .
Today while we took the tour with Anna Keyla we learned not only about the medical issues in the area, but also about the culture (traditional music, food, etc). We visited authentic Latino comminity stores (bodegas) and we also had the pleasure of having lunch with Ana at a typical dominican restaurant. We had a very good time.
While we were with Ana, we were able to meet with several local people who metioned to us issues that the community faces. We had the chance to talk to a police officer who talked to us about how Boston is split into 3 main ethnic areas which are the Latino, African-American and Asian communities. The officer explained that it was important for them to understand and respect different cultural group's traditions, because otherwise things such as violence, racism, and other issues begin to occur.
For more information about the area around Jamaica Plain, visit Hyde/Jackson Square Main Street.
I learned that immigrants are fearful of asking for help. Don't be scared to ask for help. Kids are cruel and will take advantage of immigrants that are scared.
When we took a tour of this place i relised how people need to be carefull what they do when they are imagrints. I remember one thing that our tour guid said. she told us that if a boyfriend hit his girlfriend she really couldnt go tell the police because they were both illegal.
I liked the tour of JP alot because we walked the whole dominican part of Jp and we experienced what their food, music, and markets are like. Our tour guide was very good, she shared alot of helpful information about their daily life as imigrants. She worked at a hospital in JP. There is some violence in Jp but it is getting alot better.
Ryan J.
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