Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Insights from my own mini-JUA training

Here are some things I learned by doing my JUA training that might help you when thinking of our topic, cultural awareness.

* Everyone needs their own essential question. I will help you create your essential question, but I cannot create your question for you.

* Your essential question should focus on the theme of cultural awareness. (Use the questions we came up with last time to create a more global question for yourself).

* Use the template that Mr. M has on the JUA main website to help you

* We will be obtaining information from a variety of sources - visual, audio, personal, etc.

* Try to think of the facts that you already know, then form them into a question that cannot be answered by anwering yes/no or by going to your local library and researching. Ask questions that you know you may not find answers to.

* Remember...your goal isn't to find answers to your questions. Your goal is to be interested in our topic, so much so that you may not find answers to your essential question. If you don't, that is okay.

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